Being an adult brings so many blessings and challenges. "Life moves pretty fast" and it's easy to forget that God calls us to "be still" from time to time. Here at St. Thomas Church, our desire is that adults of all ages have opportunities to ask questions, seek understanding, worship fully, and grow in their life with Jesus.
Bible Study
The bible: 66 different books written by more than 40 authors across thousands of years in the context of a vast array of cultures on 3 different continents. And yet, it is breathed into and bound together by God's Spirit. Here at St. Thomas Church, we believe the bible is worthy of our attention and study because Jesus says, "These are the scriptures that testify about me" (John 5:39). There are opportunities to gather around God's Word on Sunday mornings, multiple times during the week day and evenings, at St. Thomas, in local coffee shops, in peoples' houses, and more. Contact the church office for days and times.
Education for Ministry is a four-year learning program open to all. EfM invites participants to "think theologically, deepen your faith, understand our Christian heritage, and provide confidence to be Christ's minister." EfM groups are typically 6 - 12 people and usually meet once a week from September through June. There are several EfM groups active in our diocese, including 2 here at St. Thomas Church. For more information, you can contact the church office.
Sunday School
On Sunday mornings at 9:00 am at St. Thomas Church there are a wide variety of classes and discussions taking place on various topics. Everyone is welcome to come and take part in conversation, and of course, coffee. While some classes are straight up Bible Study, other classes focus on Spiritual Formation, Episcopal 101, a book or novel, or even topics such as parenting, finances, and more. The words of The Psalmist ring true on Sunday mornings: "Help me to learn good judgement and knowledge..." (Psalm 119:66)
Life happens. We have moments of great joy and great pain. When the sting of hurt takes place, God sees it, knows it, and sits in it with us. It is when this happens that healing begins to take place. Here at St. Thomas, we believe that God heals. On Sunday mornings in the chapel, there is always an opportunity to be prayed for, asking for God's healing for yourself, for others, for any situation that God needs to draw near to. We have a Healing Service on Thursdays at 12:15pm. Plus, four to five times a year, we dedicate a Sunday Morning service to Healing Prayer. Prayers can also be put on the confidential prayer chain (contact the church office 920-725-5601) or you can become one of our prayer chain warriors.