We have many ways to Connect

Connection, Fellowship, and Family is what we do at St. Thomas Church.  Connection with God in Christ by means of Fellowship with One Another leading to being a part of The Family of God.

We Love Children

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We believe Jesus is serious when he says, "Let the little children come to me" (Matthew 19:14). To have faith like a child is to approach God with both an innocent and vulnerable heart.  At St. Thomas Church, we pour our energy into helping our children see and experience God by involving them in all parts of The Family of God on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and whenever they have questions and thoughts about God's Love for them.

Youth and Young Adults

We see our students growing up in a world that can feel confusing and unsteady. And yet, we believe that the world is drenched in God's Presence and that Jesus isn't kidding when he says, "all things" are possible and being renewed (Matthew 19:28). At St. Thomas Church, students and young adults are invited to be a part of a Community that seeks to gather together in order to practice a Way of Life so that it can be lived for the benefit of those around us and thereby partner with God's restorative mission for the world.
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We understand that life has its ups and downs, its twists and turns, and its highs and lows.  "Adulting" is a wonderful opportunity to witness the truth when Jesus says, "all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).  At St. Thomas Church, adults are invited to enter into dozens of opportunities to practice, learn, and grown in the Way of Jesus - together, in small groups, over coffee, and as a family.

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We recognize the needs of others as well as the invitation of God to be a Loving Presence in the lives of our neighbors, both near and far off.  To "love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 19:19) is to take Jesus seriously as a way to display our love for God.  At St. Thomas Church, getting involved in local and global opportunities for outreach and mission is a central part of who we are as followers of Jesus.

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St. Thomas App

Through our online giving partners at Tithe.ly we have developed an app for your smartphone and tablet. The app gives you access to all our social media, a prayer wall, our livestream, sermon videos, photos, ministries, scripture, and more. God invites us to be connected "and become family" (1 John 1:3). Tap below and stay connected with the St. Thomas Family.
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